NPO Set Up
NPO Set Up

Non-Profit Organization Set Up

We want to help you get started on your mission as quickly as possible, yet with all the details covered to open a nonprofit. A typical nonprofit startup will involve 5 core documents/steps:

  • 1. Articles of Incorporation/Organization/Association
    • What entity structure will you use?
    • Does your foundation document have proper nonprofit “purpose” language?
    • Does the founding document have the IRS-required clauses?
      • Activities limited to one or more exempt purposes
      • Not empowered to engage in activities that are not charitable
      • Proper dissolution language
  • 2. Bylaws
    • Are the rules simple, and yet effective?
    • Will you and the rest of your organization (including the board) follow them?
    • Common considerations:
      • How many individuals will you have on your board?
      • Will there be an employee CEO or a volunteer staff?
      • Will you implement term limits?
      • Are there going to be nonprofit board committees?
  • 3. Obtain a federal Employer ID Number (EIN)
  • 4. Federal 501(c) Tax Exemption
    • Do you have a nonprofit business/programming plan?
    • Do you have a 4-year budget?
    • Are you an “EZ” charity (annual budget less than $50,000, among other requirements)?
    • Will you be sending funds internationally?
    • How do you intend to fundraise?
    • Will any of your directors be related?
  • 5. Other (Often Required) Nonprofit Corporate Documents
    • Conflict of Interest policy
    • Whistleblower policy
    • Internal Control policy
    • Funds Management policy
    • Restricted Funds policy

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Review, Download, Print & Sign 

NPO Set Up Agreement



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